In this section, we have grouped some of the most common questions people ask about Glossary. Take a look, and if your question doesn't appear on the list, send us a message.

How many terms are supported?

This depends on the hosting you are using, as example if you want a thousand terms with a cheap shared hosting without a cache system this will create troubles.
The plugin for every page where need to inject terms get all the terms from the database to look inside and generate on the fly.
Anyway a cache for HTML content is suggested to improve the experience in your website.

Can I import or export my settings?

Yes, you can import the settings from a previous WordPress installation of Glossary or export them. To do so, go to Glossary > Settings > Import/Export:

Import/Export Settings
Import/Export Settings

You can export the plugin settings from your site as a .json file. Then, you can import the file into your new installation.

Are you compatible with every WordPress theme and plugin?

We developed Glossary following all WordPress standards. However, we cannot guarantee compatibility with any theme and plugin (there are so many!). It may happen that, depending on the code and specific features, some themes or plugins may conflict with Glossary by Codeat.

This is also why Glossary is a freemium plugin: before purchasing the PRO version, you can use it for free and check its compatibility with your theme and plugins installed on your site right away.

Can I remove data or author information from my posts?

Glossary by Codeat doesn’t manage this information. To remove data or author information from your posts, you should check your WordPress theme's settings. We suggest you reach out to the theme authors and ask them how to proceed.

Do you support Visual Composer?

Most of the time, yes, we do.

On the other hand, there are dozens of Visual Composer/Page Builders plugins in the WordPress ecosystem, and a large amount of them don’t behave in a standard way, which can represent an issue.

Visual Composer

The most common problem you might encounter with Visual Composer is the truncation of your tooltips.
To fix the issue, you can add a few lines of CSS to your WordPress Customizer.

On the backend of your site, go to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and add the following code in the box:

#container, article.hentry .article-inner,
.container .content-wrap,
article.hentry,.main .content-widget {
 overflow:unset !important;

Click on Publish to apply this CSS rule.
If you’re experiencing a different type of issue with Visual Composer, check out our shortcode to apply a fix.

WP Bakery Page Builder

If you use WP Bakery Page Builder there may be conflicts with this shortcode search bar, adding this CSS rules should fix the issue:

.gt-search-bar {
  width:auto !important;
  min-width: 400px;

Kadence Theme

If you use Kadence Theme there may problems with widgets, this CSS code should fix them:

.widget-area ul[class^=glossary-] {
   margin-left: 0;
   list-style: none;

.glossary-alphabetical-index ul {
margin-left: 0;

.widget-area ul[class^=glossary-] > li {
   padding-left: 0;

The tooltip is cut off or is covered by other parts of the layout

Themes usually use the CSS overflow property. Forcing this property can cause some elements to overlap.

Below we try to keep an updated list of incompatible software and the CSS needed to solve the problem.

  • Kadence Blocks, with the accordion block: div.kt-accordion-panel-active {overflow:initial}
  • WP Block table: .wp-block-table {overflow-x: inherit !important;}

Are you compatible with cache plugins?

Yes, Glossary works with both backend and frontend caching.
Caching can be applied by a WordPress plugin and/or by your host: whatever the case, you don’t have to worry about compatibility.

If you’re using a backend caching plugin, the cache is refreshed every few hours or every day at most, so this won’t pose any problem with Glossary.

On the other hand, if you’re using frontend caching and Glossary PRO, you should take a few extra measures. Every time you edit your settings, for example, you change your tooltips' style, you need to clear your frontend cache.

The way you clear the cache may vary according to the plugin or hosting you’re using, so please refer to their documentation to learn how to do it.

Are you compatible with WordPress Multisite?

Yes! If you're running a Multisite install and managing multiple websites, Glossary can automatically serve all the network websites where our plugin is active.

To work in this environment, the Glossary plugin requires two elements:

  • One license per domain (or one license for the subdomain).
  • Multisite with shared database.

This means that if one of your term descriptions is on a different site of your network, the Glossary plugin will automatically point to that location, without external links needed.

To enable this behavior, you need to create a PHP filter. The filter will allow you to use the same site as a source for Glossary across your network. We’ve got you covered, so copy the code below:

Plugin Name: Enable Glossary on Multisite
Plugin URI: https://codeat.co/glossary
Description: This filter will enable the use on all the network the same site as source for Glossary
Author: Codeat
Version: 1.0.0
Author URI: https://codeat.co

add_filter('glossary_multisite_parent', 'add_my_site_to_glossary');

function add_my_site_to_glossary( $site_ids ) {
 return array(2);

Now add to the array the site(s) ID(s) you need.

Save the with a unique name and place it inside your wp-content/plugins folder.
Now you should see it in the list of your plugins: activate it in the network as you would for a regular plugin and it's done!

Are you compatible with translation plugins?

Yes, Glossary is 100% compatible with WPML and Polylang.

To make them work together, you will have to set the language in each post type where you wish to execute Glossary. In this way, our plugin will recognize the terms and will manage the respective descriptions accordingly.

Here’s how to configure Polylang and WPML:


In Polylang, head over to Languages > Settings > Custom Post Types and Taxonomies > Glossary:

Make Glossary and Polylang work together
Make Glossary and Polylang work together


In WPML, head over to WPML > Translation Management > Multilingual Content Setup:

Make Glossary and WPML work together
Make Glossary and WPML work together

From the menu, select Post Type Translation. You will see Glossary in the list of Post Types: check the option “Translatable - only show related items”.

From the same menu, select Taxonomies Translation, and you will see the item Terms Categories (glossary-cat): check the option “Translatable - only show related items”.

Post Types Translation and Taxonomies Translation in WPML
Post Types Translation and Taxonomies Translation in WPML


Actually Glossary is not fully compatibile with Translatepress. We are waiting for a fix on their side, as you can see on this thread on WordPress.org support.

Do you support all languages and alphabets?

Yes, Glossary is designed to work in any language. It currently supports RTL and LTR alphabets as well as non-latin fonts.

At the time of writing, we have tested it internally with Hebrew, Arabic, German, Japanese, Cherokee, Russian and Greek. We welcome all feedback on these and other languages.

If you encounter any trouble, don’t hesitate to contact Codeat’s support: we are here for you!

Why simbols are not supported?

Those symbols ()<{[}>]/?:;!#% aren't supported inside a term because our plugin injects in the page HTML and this can create conflicts like the whole page and the HTML broken.

Can I import CSV files?

The Glossary plugin relies on WordPress standard methods, so every term created with Glossary is a standard WordPress Custom Post Type.

If you need to import CSV files, you can install on your site any WordPress plugin that supports CSV import to custom post types.
For example, you can look at this plugin: WordPress Importer: Import any XML or CSV file to WordPress.
Based on the (importer) plugin you will use there will be a different template for the CSV file.

After uploading your CSV file, remember to define Glossary as the post type to upload the terms inside WordPress.

Each CSV import plugin works differently, so if you doubt how to use it, please refer to its documentation.

Can I use Glossary with ACF?

Yes! If you own a PRO Glossary license, you can use our plugin inside ACF fields.
We support only this fields types: Flexible Content, Textarea, Text, WYSIWYG.

Glossary will add a checkbox on ACF labeled as Add support for Glossary in your fields to execute the terms injector on their content. Instead to show them on the page in the frontend you need to implement the code on your own.

This way, you will be able to activate the filtering in ACF for customizing your fields.

Adding support for Glossary in ACF
Adding support for Glossary in ACF


If you are using the ACF Repeatier plugin your code needs to use get_sub_field to get the parameter or the plugin won’t be executed.

Does Glossary support user contribution to terms?

By default, the Glossary plugin doesn’t offer this feature. However, you can allow other users to contribute to the terms of your glossary by installing a dedicated plugin.

For example, Contact Form 7 is a free plugin that allows you to create a custom contact form that users can fill in to send terms directly to your mailbox. Alternatively, you can use other premium solutions like PublishPress or User Submitted Posts to add support for custom post types: activate one of them to work with Glossary terms.

Our suggestion is to give a first try to Contact Form 7 and check if its feature is useful for your needs; if not, give the other two plugins we have recommended a chance.

How can I clean up the plugin transients/cache?

Our plugin uses an intelligent system to save your terms data to be linked in order to optimize resources. Sometimes you will need to clean transients to see shortcodes/widgets updates in the frontend in real time. To do this we have implemented a convenient button directly in the Glossary settings panel, under the Shortcodes tab.

Where to find the button
Where to find the button

How can I migrate content between different post types?

Glossary Terms are classic posts so you can migrate them easily between different post types using a plugin like Post Type Switcher.

Swedish or Finnish languages sorting issues

This languages have a different alphabetical order compared to order languages using Latin characters. Our plugin will use the language of the WordPress website to understand the order for the shortcode Glossary Index bar but the terms maybe are not sorted.
This happen because that part is sort by MySQL and your database didn't get an update during the past WordPress updates. Since WordPress 4.6 the database does some changes to automatically add the support for emoji and also for the caracters of those languages.
There are other similar support request in WordPress that explain how to fix the issue.

Blank Page on plugin's activation

If you have just activated the plugin and you find yourself unexpectedly in front of a blank page, don't panic!

Sometimes WordPress has incompatibilities or generate unexpected errors and the debug in the wp-config.php file is disabled so you are not able to see the specific error. Before opening a ticket be sure to set the variable to true, as indicated in this guide and shown in the example below.

// FIND THIS LINE IN YOUR wp-config.php FILE

// Enable WP_DEBUG mode
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

Enable comments/WPDiscuz support

Comments are disabled for the Glossary post type as the majority of users doesn't need them but in case you need them, this PHP) snippet will be bring them back.

add_action('init', 'glossary_enable_comments');
function glossary_enable_comments() {
    add_post_type_support( 'glossary', 'comments' );